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Mesilla Valley CASA Quarterly Updates

Our Pearl Anniversary

Mesilla Valley CASA celebrates 30 years! In September 1993, at the request of the Judges of New Mexico’s Third District Court, Mesilla Valley CASA, Inc. was established. For 30 years, our team has trained CASAs to be able to make informed recommendations to the court in the best interest of the children we serve.

The traditional gift for a 30 year anniversary are gifts made from pearls. Pearls symbolize wisdom, love, and purity. As the pearl is a long lasting stone, it is the perfect stone to represent the 30 years of commitment Mesilla Valley CASA has had in helping children relace a life of hurt with one of hope.

CASA in the Community

“Somebody still has to be there for some of these youth who don’t have reliable adults in their lives, CASA volunteers have filled in some of those gaps such as helping young people open bank accounts and procuring Social Security benefits by phone since the Social Security office is closed for in-person appointments.” - Las Cruces Sun News June 29, 2020

Quarter Recap

Mesilla Valley CASA has had a busy quarter!

From July 1st through September 30th,

  • Nine new cases, with 13 children were entered into foster care.

  • Our volunteer advocates served 99 children of the total 187 in the foster care system.

  • Our advocates logged in 297.25 hours towards ensuring that the children in our program were getting their needs met and their voices heard!

Closed Cases

The goal is always to get the children we serve into safe and permanent homes.

From July 1st through September 30th

  • Nine cases closed.

  • Seven children were adopted.

  • Two children were reunified with a parent.

  • Two children were placed with a legal guardian.

  • Two children were emancipated.

Volunteer Anniversaries

Did you know that 37 of our CASAs have been volunteers for at least a year with Mesilla Valley CASA? This quarter we had 15 anniversaries!

  • Eight volunteers celebrated 1 year,

  • Three volunteers celebrated 3 years,

  • Two volunteers celebrated 4 years,

  • One volunteer celebrated 5 years,

  • One volunteer celebrated 9 years with CASA!

New Volunteers

This quarter we welcomed five new CASAs! During our summer training session, five volunteers completed pre-service training! They completed pre-service training on August 17th. A group of three volunteers were sworn-in on August 21st and two volunteers were sworn-in on September 11th.

Coming up for Mesilla Valley CASA...

Golf Tournament

Big news! We're thrilled to announce that Mesilla Valley CASA has been selected as the beneficiary for the 7th Annual MVT Charity Golf Tournament! We are so grateful for this opportunity to partner with Mesilla Valley Transportation for their Chariy Golf Tournament on October 6th! Thank you!!!

Holiday Gifts

This upcoming 2023 holiday season, we’ve been asked by the DA Victims’ Advocates and Salud de Mesilla to partner and gather holiday gifts for Foster kids!

We are requesting gift cards in $25 increments and they can be dropped off at our office.

If you are not a current volunteer and are interested in joining us here at Mesilla Valley CASA, we have confirmed training dates for 2024.

Our 2024 spring semester training schedule is:

Day 1: February 6, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Day 2: February 10, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Day 3: February 13, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Day 4: February 17, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Our 2024 Fall Semester Training Schedule is:

Day 1: August 6, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Day 2: August 10, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Day 3: August 13, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Day 4: August 17, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Complete the online form here or call 575-527-0035 for more information!

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